Nano- and Biotechnology (engl.) - Price in the museum shop 12,00 €

Nanotechnology and Biotechnology at the Centre for New Technologies
Scientists have begun to explore a new cosmos: a long-neglected world in miniature. This microcosm exists on a scale far below that which is visible with the aid of a light microscope: smaller than a bacterium, but larger than the individual atoms and molecules that were the focus of physics and chemistry in the 20th century. On a scale of nanometers billionths of a metre this cosmos contains an abundance of complex structures. The secret of life is also based on these structures. Only recently has modern laboratory made it possible to collect precise date on this hidden world. Biologists, chemists, physicists and materials researchers are working together to understand and configure matter at this level. Their vision is the selective creation of structures and systems at the nanolevel.
Breitsameter, Hauser, Hauser, Kampschulde (eds): 2011
120 Pages, 1 CD
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